Wind at sea: energy for the future
On 29th and 30th March, on the occasion of the third edition of the B2B fair BOD, Ostend welcomed more than 500 offshore wind professionals. They presented their common mission, their objectives, knowhow and potential to an international audience. Cooperating, joining forces, offering networks, bringing small and big companies in contact and developing business together. Thus, initiator BOC (Belgian Offshore Cluster) creates surplus value for further international development of companies that are engaged in the construction and maintenance of windmill farms at sea.
"We have to keep our head start and further exploit it", explains Christophe Dhaene, president of BOC.
What is BOC?
Belgian Offshore Cluster (BOC), the association of suppliers to the offshore wind industry, has some 60 members and has become a fully-fledged representative of the sector. More than ever before the partners want to share their acquired specific technical knowhow and experience in the sector of wind energy with Belgian and international concessionaries.
The cluster organisation wants to come out and open the gates to our neighbouring countries: the UK and Germany are growth markets; France and The Netherlands are in the pipeline.
Belgium remains a pioneer in offshore wind energy in Europe. That's why this third edition of the fair has become a two-day B2B event with 38 specialised exhibitors.
On the programme of the fair
Secretary of State for the North Sea Philippe De Backer opened the third edition of the Belgian Offshore Days, together with Christophe Dhaene, chairman of BOC.
Belgian Offshore Platform (BOP) presented a study concerning the enormous socio-economic interests of wind industry. Other important keynote speakers were among others Bart Tommelein and Johan Vande Lanotte.
On Wednesday 29th March the 38 exhibitors elucidated their activities and potential to concessionaries of Belgian, French, German and British wind farms. On 30th March the fair was open to professionals.
The fair took place at Ostend Sea P’lace, an exquisite location for the overall experience offered by the participating companies.
Belgian Offshore Days is initiated by the Belgian Offshore Cluster and cooperates closely with partners such as BOP, VOKA, Port of Oostende and the province of Western Flanders.
You can find the participating companies and more pictures the programme on